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Creation database on a hosting by using ISPmanager 4

How to quickly create database

Under "Management Tools" select "Databases".
Click the "New" button.
In the pop-up window, fill in information such as the database name, type, oding, user name and password. Click "OK".

Done, the database is created. You can now Edit, download, delete or configure users. Also, you can create another database.

To add users or change permissions - select the database and click "Users".
To create additional database users click on the button "Create".
Fill in the username, password, as well as his right to have access to this database. Click "OK", the user is created.

To change the permissions for the user, select the user and click "Edit"

In the pop-up window, you can change the access rights to the database.

Published: January 11, 2017